This directory holds image files of playing cards,
suitable for use in CGI-based games. Such as
this solitaire demonstration.
This service (providing the card images for free) is yet another free
service provided by
The card images all have short names, two letters and then ".gif"
The first letter is rank, and is one of A23456789TJQK
The second letter us suit, and is one of hcds
The jokers are W1, W2, W3 and W4.
Too much coffee?
I would like
to have the cards here be a representation of art done by artists
who can be found via the www
If you are an artist
e-mail me to reserve it, e-mail me the gif
file, your crediting link will appear here.
Currently, most of the cards were copied from Bob Lancaster's collection, or thrown together with "xpaint." All the cards on the full deck display page now have links to the web page they were copied from. Ones with no link I did myself.